When I recently decided to start working out again in the evenings, I dusted off our elliptical that had been sitting unused since 2020. That’s right, our well-intended purchase during the COVID-19 lockdown had (embarrassingly) been a part of our household for years, but it took a mindset shift to finally put it to good use.
This experience got me thinking about 17hats, a powerful tool for business management that often shares the same fate as my elliptical—purchased with good intentions but left unused. Here’s how 17hats is like gym equipment and how the 17hats Marketplace can help you make the most of your subscription.
1. It Can Target Certain Areas
Just like gym equipment targets specific muscle groups (I’m looking at you, Leg Press Machine), 17hats can target specific areas of your business that need improvement. Whether it’s managing leads, scheduling appointments, or automating invoices, 17hats offers specialized tools to streamline your operations.
The Marketplace enhances this by providing templates tailored to various business processes, ensuring you hit the right spots in your business.
2. It Evolves
Let’s take a moment to visualize what the first treadmill ever invented must have looked like. It must have been so clunky and large! Compare that to the treadmills of today that can fit under a desk and also track your posture and heart rate. The evolution of the treadmill is significant.
Similarly, features within 17hats have evolved over the last decade. Regularly updating your templates and automations through the Marketplace ensures that your system remains efficient and takes full advantage of the robust features that may otherwise be left untapped.
3. It’s Versatile
Think of 17hats as the kettlebells, free weights, and treadmills of business management software. Just as gym equipment can be used in various ways—like adjusting the incline on a treadmill or changing the weight on a dumbbell—17hats is incredibly versatile. From managing client communication to tracking expenses, its flexibility allows you to customize it to your unique business needs.
Picture this: You begin your fitness journey bench pressing 100 pounds. At your starting point, that’s ALL you can bench press. It’s your max. But after many weeks training, you begin to add more weight to your bar. Eventually, you are pressing 150 pounds!
In the same way, 17hats grows with your business. The platform is great for a business beginner, and it grows with you as you level up your business journey.
The Marketplace expands this versatility by offering a variety of tools and templates created by industry leaders, making it easier to adapt 17hats to your specific requirements. And to take that a step further, once Marketplace items are installed in your account, you can tailor them as much as you’d like to make sure they fit your brand.
4. It’s Addicting
Have you ever heard of a gym rat? Someone who finds working out so rewarding that they can’t stay away? 17hats can become just as addicting once you start seeing the benefits of automation and streamlined processes. Automation can save you time and reduce stress, making it an irresistible tool for any business owner.
Automation is an online drug. Once you start it is really hard to stop. You will want to automate everything in your business. It’s that powerful.” — Amanda Rae, CEO of 17hats
I specifically remember the morning I began using Hattie AI, the 17hats tool used to automate emails. I was sitting at my kitchen counter with my laptop open as I began to send my weekly custom onboarding emails/invoices. Hattie had just been announced earlier that week and I thought “I’m going to give it a shot”, and after just one prompt, I was hooked. It took me less than 10 minutes to send out my weekly batch of onboarding emails! Before Hattie AI, that process would have easily taken me several hours. Time saved. Addiction activated.
The Marketplace helps you discover new ways to automate your tasks, adding to the excitement and making your business processes even more efficient.
5. It Goes Unused Unless You Actually Make the Mental Decision to Do It
All of the above comparisons are great, but here’s the most powerful analogy– Just like that elliptical in the corner, 17hats can’t fully benefit your business unless you make the conscious effort to use it. The key is making the intentional decision to integrate it into your daily routine.
The 17hats Marketplace is here to help you take that step by offering resources and tools that simplify the setup and integration process. With a little effort, you can turn 17hats into a vital part of your business routine, much like incorporating regular exercise into your daily life.
Marketplace items are there to provide you with a turnkey setup, all with the click of a button.
Just as committing to a regular workout routine can transform your physical health, committing to using 17hats can revolutionize your business management. The 17hats Marketplace is designed to support you every step of the way, providing the tools and resources you need to make the most of this powerful software.
Don’t let your 17hats account sit unused—take the leap and start reaping the benefits today by installing items from the 17hats Marketplace.
Discover These Trending Marketplace Items

Basic Online Scheduling Service for Podcast Guests: This 17hats created Marketplace Item allows guests to schedule their recording date with Online Scheduling. This scheduling service is quick and easy and works best with the 17hats Essentials Package, or someone who doesn’t want all the bells and whistles.

Deb Mitzel’s Order Complete & Ready for Pickup Workflow – All Industries: This generic (non-industry specific) bundle includes everything you need for your clients to schedule a time to pick up their products or other items from your designated location. This versatile bundle can be used to schedule pick-up of photography products, balloon arrangements, tax returns, or anything else in your business that requires a scheduled pick-up time.
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Don’t let your 17hats account gather dust—start using it today and transform your business with the help of the 17hats Marketplace!