Did you know that January 15 was National Hat Day?

It’s the perfect excuse to sport your sun hat, baseball cap, or wooly beanie – or your fedora, kangol, or trilby, for that matter!

It’s also a terrific occasion to celebrate you, and all the hats you wear as a small business owner. 

17hats. For all the hats you wear.

Yep, our very name is a nod to the “many hats” that you wear every single day.

But swapping that many hats, that often, can leave your head spinning. Even the most organized person is no match for the chaos that descends once a small business starts to grow. 

The statistics bear this out. One in five small businesses fails within the first year, and nearly half crater within five years. 

Those would-be entrepreneurs don’t fail because they lack passion or focus. Instead, they become swamped by paperwork and phone calls.

In fact, it was a newspaper article lamenting this very dynamic – and the odds stacked against small business owners – that led to the creation of 17hats!

Hats off to you & your business.

So in honor of National Hat Day, allow us to share how 17hats is a perfect fit for small business owners. 

If you’re new to 17hats, this will let you try our business management platform on for size. But if you’re a 17hats member already, put on your “thinking cap” and keep reading … you might just learn a way to make even better use of 17hats!

Your small business hatrack.

Think about it: On any given day, you wear …

  • Your salesman hat. It’s true – you have to sell yourself. And often, that starts long before you get a chance to meet face to face. That’s when 17hats automated lead response steps in to make you look polished, professional, and eager – even when you’re asleep. Never miss a great lead again! Learn more here.
  • Your admin hat. Running a small business requires a ton of administrative tasks, like scheduling. But 17hats can automate the tasks, so you get your day back. Just one example? Online Scheduling frees you up from near-constant phone calls and emails. Learn more here.
  • Your writer hat. Business requires communication, but nothing says you have to be tied to your keyboard every day. With 17hats Email Templates, you can use (and reuse) pre-drafted text that’s customized for each client with tokens. Easy-breezy. Learn more here.
  • Your accountant hat. From the day you send your first invoice, you’re called on to wear your accountant hat. And it only gets harder from there, maintaining the books for your business. Luckily, 17hats excels at this money side of business. Easily send an invoice, accept credit card payments, or see how your business is doing for the month.
  • Your “bad guy” hat. That may seem like a strange hat to mention. But sooner or later, you’ll have a client who needs to be reminded to pay you. With 17hats, you don’t have to wring your hands, wondering how to broach the subject with them. Instead, 17hats sends automated payment reminders at specified intervals, such as 30 days after an invoice was sent.

As small business owners, we wear a lot of hats. And some hats are more comfortable than others. But with the right help, you’re always in control. Happy National Hat Day!