17hats Feature Fridays

Easily create recurring to-dos inside 17hats without cluttering up your calendar!

Start by clicking on the To-Do tab in the left rail, taking you to the task management view in 17hats. You will assign to-dos to a specific list; you can have lists for Business Operations, Marketing, Client Work, or have a list for each of your Projects. There is a lot of flexibility in how you can organize your to-do lists.

On the right, click the “add to-do” button. A window will pop up. Name your task, and select the list you will place your task on.

Choose a due date and a time if necessary. Then you can choose how frequently you would like to task to repeat. For example, if you select “weekly,” you can choose if you want the to-do to repeat every week, every two weeks, or every three weeks. You can do the same with monthly and yearly tasks.

For example, we want this task to repeat on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. While we don’t want this to-do to end, you do have the option to stop the repetition after a set number of occurrences or on a specific day.

You can assign the task to a specific user if you have team members in 17hats. We recommend that you place all of your to-dos and workflows on a particular to-do calendar. That way, to-dos won’t block any online scheduling availability.

Add notes to the to-do if you’d like to and save your recurring to-do. You can see this to-do in your task management view, your dashboard, or on your calendar. 17hats will only show the next instance of the to-do, not every time it repeats over the coming weeks and months. This way, endless to-dos won’t clutter your calendar. In this example, as soon as I mark Friday’s to-do as completed, the next instance appears on the next due date, in this case, Monday. Upon completing Monday’s to-do, the next to-do appears on Wednesday.

Navigate to your To-Do tab in the left rail. You see that your list shows only the next available task. If you would like to delete your recurring to-do, click to open the task details and choose the red delete button. There will be a warning message to confirm you’d like to delete the task. Once you have confirmed, you can see that the recurring to-do is no longer on your to-do list or your calendar.