17hats keeps all your email templates organized and sorted by Email Type so you can easily choose the appropriate email to send your contact. Have you ever tried emailing a client a document but you go to select the email template you created and it wasn’t there? You start to wonder, “Where is it? I know I created a template!”
Don’t worry, yes you saved your template correctly, and no you’re not going crazy. It’s probably because you didn’t select the right Email Type.
There are four main categories of emails stored within 17hats:
- Regular emails,
- Document Emails,
- Automatic Confirmation Emails,
- Reminder Emails.
Each email message can only be used for one purpose which is defined by the Type. For example, if you’re sending a questionnaire, only emails with a type of Email (questionnaire_send) can be used to deliver the document.
When creating email templates through 17hats, the Email Types to choose from include Regular Email, Quote Email, Contract Email, Invoice Email, Client Portal Email, Questionnaire Email, Lead Auto Responder, and Scheduling.
17hats organizes your templates by Email Type to ensure that you have access to the appropriate list of templates. In addition, selecting an Email Type also filters the corresponding tokens needed for personalization within email templates.
Organization Saves Time When Sending Email Templates
Once you have your email templates completed, you are free to use them over and over again, never having to write the same email again. As a business owner, depending on the complexity of your business, you could have hundreds of email templates.
With 17hats Email Type, you won’t have to sift through ALL the email templates just to find the one you need.
For example, if you would like to send Quotes through 17hats, you will need to select the ‘Quote Email Type’ when creating the email to send the Quote. Then, when sending the Quote manually or through a Workflow, 17hats will provide all your Quote Email templates for you to choose from. It’s much easier to select the correct email template from a few Quote Type templates, than the hundreds of email templates you have in your account.
The same applies to all documents, Contracts, Invoices, and Questionnaires. When creating email templates, keep in mind if you want to send a document with it.
Different 17hats Email Template Types
In 17hats you can select from a variety of email types as each one does something a little different.
Regular Email: A regular email is just that. It is a content-only email. This type of email is great for reminders, confirmations, and all general information.
Document Type: If you plan to send a 17hats document you will need to select the corresponding type:
Questionnaire: Allows you to gather information about your clients’ needs and preferences.
Quote: A list of your services and products that allows your clients to choose from that best meets their budget.
Contract: A binding contract between you and your client that acknowledges the mutual agreement for the terms and services requested.
Invoice – A document that allows your client to pay their remaining balance owed or make a payment on their balance. An invoice will also create a receipt for your client once payment has been made in full.
Selecting the appropriate email type automatically adds a button link to the bottom of the email for you. By clicking the button, your client will be able to access the document.
These emails are important as you will need them when creating Workflows to send your 17hats Documents, or sending the document manually through the Project page.
- Lead Auto Responder – This type of email can be added to your Lead Capture Form as your auto-response when a lead submits a form.
- Scheduling Emails – These emails can be added to 17hats Online Scheduling when setting up the service. These emails include the service confirmation email, cancellation email, waiting for approval email, one-day reminder email, and day of reminder email.
- Client Portal Email – While this type is not typically used, we did add it because there is a default Client Portal template for you to use which includes conditional logic.
17hats Client Portal gives you an option for higher security by turning the password on. Or, leave it as it is with the password turned off. Either way, the email will pick up on your settings and make sure the correct information is sent. You will notice at the bottom of the email template there is [IF]: Password Protected. This means if the client portal password is turned on, we will automatically include the line “Your secure Password to access the portal is [password token].
With this conditional logic, you don’t have to remember which clients have a password on and which does not.
Personalization Through 17hats Email Tokens
Another reason to select the appropriate email type is to ensure the correct tokens are available to use inside your email template. Once the email type has been selected, 17hats will also filter the appropriate tokens to be used for your email.
A Token is a placeholder for Account names, Contacts, and Project details that allows information to be auto-filled into an email or document. They can easily be added from the Insert Token dropdown menu on the editor bar.
Tokens allow you to create email templates that include personalization for each of your clients. No more adjusting for a client name or service date – let 17hats do the work for you.
Tokens in emails tell 17hats what information to insert into an email. For example, when emailing a client named Thomas, “[Contact] First Name’ Token would insert Thomas’ name into your email.
Tokens allow you to use the same email template for Thomas that you would Cindy, but both Thomas and Cindy will see their names in the email greeting without any extra customization.
Using 17hats should make running your business easier and more efficient. Learning how to effectively use email types will help you more efficiently set up your 17hats brand which is a game changer for you as a business owner.
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