Whether you are a 17hats member or not, this can be done in Google Calendars and/or 17hats calendars. Not only will this task help you better digest the chaos of your calendar, but as a 17hats member, you will also be able to utilize 17hats features better.

After years of optimizing my calendar, even to the point of over-complication, I have figured out the best approach that is easy to use, not overly complicated, and most important, efficient. It’s as simple as not thinking of your calendar as one place that holds all your appointments, but 5 separate calendars that allow you to be an efficient and effective business owner.

But first, let’s stop there for a service announcement!
If you’re a 17hats Member using Google Calendar, you’ll want to create these calendars in Google and then sync them over to 17hats. It is super easy. Here’s our help article to walk you through it.

5 Calendars You Need In 17hats for Optimal Organization

Separating your calendar out into specific calendars allows your brain to compartmentalize reducing overwhelm. You can also use the calendar color coding feature in 17hats for a nice visual allowing you to make decisions quicker.

Below are the five calendars that will help you stay organized.

1. Booked Calendar – This calendar will hold all service dates and meetings for booked clients. Every meeting, phone call, and service appointment is only for booked clients. And, since booked clients mean money in your pocket, color code your calendar green.

Advanced Tip: Use 17hats Workflow Action Step Change Calendar to automatically move new clients to your booked calendar after they complete a quote, contract, and/or invoice.

Did you know the 17hats is one of the only platforms that allow you to color code your calendars? Whhhaat! Yep. That’s true!

2. Leads Calendar – Just like your Booked Calendar, your Leads Calendar will contain all your lead’s meetings and service dates. Since leads need your attention, let’s color code this calendar red.

Advanced Tip: Edit your Lead Capture Forms so that all new leads go to your Leads Calendar.

3. Life Calendar – Set the Color code to your favorite color and add all your life events to the Life Calendar.  Doctor appointments, birthday parties, lunch dates … basically whatever is happening in your personal life. If you already have a Life calendar on Google, easily connect it to your 17hats account. 

4. To-Do Calendar – I can’t say this enough, I highly recommend all Workflows and To-Dos go on a To-Do Calendar. Color code in an attention-grabbing color, and now all your to-dos will be easily seen on your calendar ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

Advanced Tip: Need to add a to-do with a start and stop time? Create an event in the project, add it to your To-Do Calendar, and if you are using Client Portal, remove the event from the client portal.

5. To Be Confirmed Calendar – If you use the confirmation feature on 17hats Online Scheduling, I recommend you have a To Be Confirmed Calendar. By color coding it orange, you’ll quickly be able to see which bookings need to be confirmed by glancing at your calendar. 

Why is it important to have 5 different calendars for your small business?

By breaking out your calendars and color coding them, you’ll be able to quickly identify what needs to be done with just a glimpse of your calendar. Red – you have a lead that needs to be responded to. Orange – quickly review and confirm your booking.

Also with leads being red and booked clients being green, you’ll be able to tell if a lead is requesting a date that is already booked. 

Finally, if you use 17hats Online Scheduling, you’ll easily be able to cross reference your leads, booked, to-be confirmed, and life calendar ensuring you don’t double book yourself. Since you can move your to-dos around, there is no need to cross-check that calendar. 

Cheers to a more effective calendar for your small business!

3 replies on “Staying Organized: 5 calendars you need in your 17hats account”

  • January 2, 2023 at 8:50 pm

    Love your work Amanda, this 31days practice is genius and super useful idea to finally maximise the use of platform. You’re the best, did I say that already?

  • January 2, 2023 at 10:44 pm

    I learn so much about what I’ve invested in with 17Hats more and more each week. This is great. Thank you.

  • January 3, 2023 at 1:44 pm

    Thank you. I love 17hats. I couldn’t have an event venue without it!

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