Another way 17hats helps you organize your business
As a small business owner, organizing your to-dos can be a tedious, time-sucking task. Waking up each morning to a list a mile long … only to figure out what needs to be done today and when time will allow for it … it all starts your day with unnecessary stress and anxiety.
“Did you say unnecessary?”
Yes, I did.
One of the many strengths of 17hats is getting your day organized and under control. Our task management features help you to accomplish that goal. And, because we’re always on the lookout for ways to help you organize your business better, we just released an added bonus to the To-Dos feature, called Recurring Tasks.
Recurring Tasks will be a huge help in a variety of ways. Let me walk you through a few ways you can use our newest feature!
Organize your business tasks
First, let’s chat about the part of business that’s pure business – that is, it has nothing to do with current clients.
By adding yourself as a Contact and creating a Project titled Marketing, you can now keep your marketing tasks top of mind and get them completed in a timely manner. Because, let’s be real: We get so busy with our clients that we forget to work on our business!
As seen in the Project page above, you add two Recurring Tasks. On the first Monday of each month, you are scheduled to brainstorm your blog content for the next month. Then, on the second Monday of each month, you actually write the content.

Not a blogger? You can do the same thing with bookkeeping each month, inspiration writing every other week, or even yoga each week!
All of these represent tasks that are needed to maintain your business (and your health). With Recurring Tasks, each can be easily scheduled, to ensure that it gets done.
Oh, and we promise not to clutter your calendar. With Recurring Tasks, the first task will populate to your Calendar, Dashboard, To-Do page and Project. Once that’s completed, the next Recurring Task will populate.
Organize your client tasks
Depending on your profession, you might need to repeat the same task for your clients weekly, biweekly, or monthly. For example, coaches might write weekly reports regarding their clients’ growth, while social media managers might have monthly check-in calls with clients.
These kinds of tasks might seem to be hard-wired into your mind. You may be confident that you would never forget.
But, the reality is this: If you try to remember everything, you are stressing yourself out, even if you don’t realize it. That’s no way to live! 17hats is here to help you get all that stress out of your head, as you lay the groundwork for a thriving business.
Step one to de-stress? Add your Recurring Tasks in 17hats. This will take a load off your mind – especially if you have not yet taken the time to set up your Workflows in 17hats.
Action steps
Michael Gerber, esteemed business coach and author of The E-Myth series, once said, “Marketing, sales, and operations … that’s the real job as a business owner.”
Many of us as small business owners are great at our line of work. But the business part that Michael Gerber speaks of above? Well, that can be a struggle. Constantly wanting to figure it out on your own and telling yourself that …
- your business is different
- marketing your business is different
- it won’t work for me
Those self-defeating beliefs keep you working too hard for too long!
Building the right foundation for your business is what matters most. And, I say this with all the love in my heart: You business is not different, and it will work … you just have to put in the time.
So let’s get started! If you’re a current 17hats member, I challenge you to add yourself a Contact, and then create a Project to help organize your business tasks.
A few examples? Marketing, bookkeeping, networking … all of those are important tasks that can fall through the cracks if you don’t schedule them. Or, maybe you’re working on a big project, such as creating a new website. In that case, create your Project and then add in what needs to be done, as one-off or recurring tasks. Then, each morning … wake up, STOP making your to-do list, and let 17hats help you navigate the way! By adding dates to your task, you will know what to do when – without the stress of trying to remember and prioritize.
If you’re not a 17hats member, sign up for your free trial today and let’s start organizing!