work-life balance

With summer around the corner, there has never been a better time to discuss an ever-growing buzz topic: work-life balance. Generally speaking, work-life balance is the amount of time you spend working versus the amount of time you spend on personal endeavors outside of work. Instagram reels with clever HR Managers will tell you work-life balance is a topic to discuss with an interviewer before taking on a new role within a company, but how can you approach work-life balance as a small business owner?

I’ll start by saying it’s tricky. There is a pretty big misconception that working moms are the only small business owners who struggle with work-life balance, but the reality is that many small business owners struggle to find where their business ends and their personal life begins. And justifiably so, right? As small business owners, we dedicate our lives to our business and give it everything we have. We eat, sleep, and breathe business. Our brains are constantly “on”, and we’re ready to deliver our elevator pitch at any given moment.

You may know me now as the 17hats Marketplace Manager, but before this chapter, I was the co-owner of a multi-six-figure family and wedding photography studio in Oklahoma. To add even MORE fun to the mix, I have six children between the ages of 4 to 14. Want to take a guess on how much energy is in my house on any given evening? 😅 

Through this blog, we will discuss three actionable steps you can take to achieve work-life balance while thriving at work and home. These three steps have helped me along the way over the last 15 years, and I hope they’re helpful for you too! 

1. Set and Maintain Boundaries

If we’re even going to attempt work-life balance, setting and maintaining boundaries is the first step in establishing control over your life. 

Before I really understood and mastered the concept of work-life balance, I felt like my life was a trade off— I was either in mom-mode OR I was in work-mode. In my head, those two modes were mutually exclusive, and honestly, work-mode took priority over everything because I felt like I was irreplaceable to clients who had paid me money. My reasoning was “They’ve paid me, therefore I owe them my attention any time they ask for it”. 

This was an unhealthy approach as a small business owner, because we all know clients can easily overstep (sometimes unknowingly, sometimes knowingly). Let’s visualize for a moment.

Picture This: You’re on the couch, finally relaxing after a long (and I mean, LONG) day. Business is moving at a fast pace during the day, the dog needs extra attention this afternoon, and let’s not even mention the pile of dishes in the sink from dinner. But this is it! Your moment of peace and solace as you sit on the couch and catch up on your favorite show. 

But then it happens. You receive a text from a client asking for feedback on the project you’re working on together. The text isn’t urgent, necessarily, but we want to address it ASAP so this task isn’t on our To-Do list for tomorrow. Well, there goes the relaxing evening! Looks like we’re back in working mode.


As tempting as it was to respond to those late-night texts or emails, once I established firm evening boundaries, I stopped allowing myself to fall into the cycle of communicating with clients outside of my 8 AM to 4 PM working hours. To me, it was important to let my family know that when I was home and out of my office, I was no longer focused on work tasks. My business is a business, and I have “open” and “closed” hours. 

On the flip side to this, I’ll also be the one to remind you that boundaries exist on the personal side of life too. If you have designated work time from 8 AM to 4 PM, it’s okay to set your phone to Do-Not-Disturb mode and decline the invitation to brunch. Your business is important, and it’s worth protecting. 

Boundaries look different for everyone. When setting boundaries for the first time, I recommend turning inward and asking yourself what’s important. What time do we want to treasure as strictly personal time? What time do we want to set aside for our business? What time are we willing to walk the line between work time and personal time? Once you have boundaries set and maintained fiercely, you’ll find that your business AND personal life will flourish.

2. Expect (and ACCEPT) Variety

I had a fundamental mindset shift the moment I realized that my life was

a.) Not going to be the same each day/month/season
b.) Not going to look like everyone else’s life 

As a small business owner, our weeks and days will vary, and that’s okay! Being a photographer in Oklahoma meant some seasons were busier than others (apparently no one wants to get married in the summer when it’s 120 degrees outside). Consequently, work-life balance looks a little different when comparing July to October.

What once frustrated me turned out to be one of the biggest gifts! By acknowledging the seasonality of my small business, I knew that there were busy seasons where I was needed for more hours each day, and then relief was coming shortly as we took a meteorological break from weddings. Through this knowledge, I was able to dig deep, activate my grit, and power through the times that work needed more of me because I KNEW my personal life would soon be recuperated during my slower season. 

If this sounds familiar to you, whether through seasonality or “busy days,” let me encourage you to stick with the course! As a small business owner, your days will likely vary, and that’s okay!

3. Leverage 17hats to Automate Everything You Can

Automation through 17hats is the unsung hero of work-life balance, and the ultimate tool that allowed me to feel like my small business was under control. In theory, I can have 80 hours a week to pour into my business, but if I’m not using my time effectively and efficiently, no amount of working time will ever be enough. 

From Online Scheduling to Workflows and Automated Emails, 17hats streamlined my repetitive tasks, freeing up time so I can be as efficient and organized as possible. 

Achieving work-life balance isn’t an elusive dream – it’s an attainable reality with the right tools and mindset. As a small business owner, we carry a workload that would probably crush most people, but by leveraging the power of 17hats and the easy-to-use automating features, small business owners can navigate the delicate balance between professional success and personal fulfillment.

I encourage you to browse and install these Marketplace Items that can help you on your automation journey!

Basic Online Scheduling Service for Phone Consultation: Allow potential clients to schedule a phone consultation based on your availability. This is a great way to put your work boundaries in action! 

Branding Coaching Initial Call Email with Questionnaire: Elevate Your Client Experience & Save Time: This Branding Coaching Call email streamlines your intake process and ensures a productive, insight-driven session. Includes a customizable questionnaire and pre-call email template.

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