The term “crazy-busy” used to be a staple in my vocabulary. I’d often find myself overwhelmed with scheduling photo sessions, client communication, and everything in between, struggling to keep up with the relentless pace of running a small business and managing my family. Any time a friend or family member would ask me “How are you?” I would respond with “I’m crazy busy!”

That was until I came across a Ted Talk by Darria Long that truly changed my life. Darria is an ER physician, but what she said spoke to me as a small business owner. Here’s how Long helped to shift my mindset from chaos, into a more streamlined and efficient operation using her principles … and help from 17hats and the 17hats Marketplace.

Step 1: Triage EVERYTHING

Long’s first piece of advice was to triage everything. If you’ve ever been to a hospital, you know that the triage room is where a patient is assessed before seeing the doctor. You communicate the reason for the hospital visit. The nurse documents symptoms, and puts you on a priority list to see the attending doctor based on the severity of your needs. 

It makes sense that Long would triage since she’s an ER physician, but this can apply to us as small business owners as well. Anything that comes at us throughout the day – all tasks (personal or business) fall into one of four categories: red, yellow, green … and sometimes black. 

Red: These are critically important tasks where safety or significant outcomes depend on their completion. For me, this included client deadlines, urgent communications, and the health and safety of my family.

Yellow: These tasks are urgent but not “life-threatening.” Your business won’t blow up in smoke if these tasks are not completed immediately. They need to be addressed promptly but can be handled with a bit more flexibility. This category included follow-up emails, meeting preparations, and less critical project fulfillment steps.

Green: These are daily to-do tasks that can be tackled as time permits. This covers routine activities like social media updates, minor administrative work, and general housekeeping tasks for the business.

Black: These are issues that are out of our control. We have to let these go.

By categorizing my tasks, I gained clarity on what needed immediate attention and what could wait, which helped me manage my stress levels.

I used to feel like anything that crossed my desk was a “red” task. Everything was important. Everything FELT important. But as you get used to triaging everything, you begin to get a real sense of what is red.

As Dr. Long would say “Know your reds, and do not let your non-reds distract you from them.” 

Step 2: Set Yourself Up for Success with 17hats

In her Ted Talk, Darria tells us to “prepare for the crazy.” As a small business owner, this translated into automation and leveraging the right tools, which is where 17hats became a game-changer for me.

Automate, Automate, Automate: 17hats offers a range of automation features that took a huge load off my shoulders. From sending automated email responses and follow-ups to scheduling invoices and reminders, automation saved me countless hours each week.

Leverage the Platform: I committed to using the entire platform to its fullest potential. This meant integrating every aspect of my business into 17hats, from project management and client communication to bookkeeping and online scheduling. It was designed with small business owners like me in mind, and I decided to use the platform in its entirety.

Install Templates From 17hats Marketplace: If you’re craving automation but just don’t know where to start, head over to the Marketplace and start installing top-notch templates today. You’ll be able to reap the rewards of automation with minimal setup time!

Want insight into some serious automation? Install the Boudoir Studio Workflow created by 17hats Workflow Wizard, Meredith Ryncarz. With four separate Workflows included, your boudoir clients will appreciate their first-class experience, and you will appreciate the automation!

Step 3: Get Out of Your Own Head

The final step Dr. Long recommended was to get out of your own head. Our brains are powerful things. When we tell ourselves we’re crazy busy – guess what?! You feel like you’re crazy busy! If you tell yourself you are under control, using the right tools to manage your tasks and day-to-day life – guess what? Your actions will reflect that lifestyle. 

Here are some things that helped me to stay in control, and out of my own head. 

“No” is a Complete Sentence: I learned to say no without feeling guilty. If a task or opportunity didn’t align with my goals or values, I declined it firmly, quickly, and politely.

Decline Leads that Aren’t Great Fits: Not every lead is worth pursuing. Not every client is your client. Watch for the red flags and honor your gut instinct. By focusing on clients who were a great fit for my services, I could deliver better results and maintain a higher level of satisfaction for both myself and my clients.

When in Doubt, If It’s Not a Hell Yes, It’s a No: This became my mantra. If an opportunity didn’t excite me or contribute significantly to my business goals or personal satisfaction, I turned it down. This helped me stay focused on what truly mattered. 

The Results

Implementing these steps, especially with the support of 17hats, I transformed my life. I moved from being “crazy-busy” to being productively engaged, with a clear focus and a structured approach to my life. If I ever relapse and feel like my stress levels are out of control, I ask myself “Am I triaging everything? Am I treating this as a red task when it’s actually a green?” With these self-reminders, I can re-ground myself in what’s actually important. 

If you find yourself overwhelmed with the demands of running a small business, I highly recommend giving these steps a try. And remember, tools like 17hats are there to help you every step of the way. Install Marketplace items so you can automate as much as you can, prioritize wisely, and get out of your own head. Your sanity and your business will thank you for it.

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