Have you ever had a client book a meeting with you and show up unprepared? Or miss your call because they didn’t store your phone number? Or not have Zoom installed properly, which ended up wasting half the meeting time? Is this frustrating? Without question!
As Nat Turner says, “Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.” Even though you are using 17hats Online Scheduling to automate booking a meeting or service, you still need to communicate with your clients. Automation doesn’t mean that communication goes away – in fact, communication becomes even more critical.
When using Online Scheduling through 17hats, you have the opportunity to communicate with your clients both before and after a booking has been made.
Here is the best part: providing this communication will not take any extra effort on your part! Better client experience AND less work for you – win/win!
How to set up Terms of Service in 17hats Online Scheduling
Before a client can book an Online Scheduling appointment or service with you, you can turn on optional Terms of Service. These settings can be customized for each appointment type or service that you offer! The Terms of Service outlines the policies you want your client to agree to prior to booking. For example, things such as the ability to reschedule, and timeframes for rescheduling, should be outlined in your Terms of Service. If your clients have this information in advance, you are less likely to book with people who constantly reschedule.
Here are three things you may want to include in your Online Scheduling Terms of Service:
- Guidelines around rescheduling. For example, how a client should contact you to reschedule, when it would be too late to reschedule and expect a refund, and what happens in the case of an emergency.
- Guidelines for meeting online. For example, testing a microphone and speaker before the meeting, making sure your client has a strong wifi connection, or ensuring your client is in a quiet area.
- Late policies you may have. For example, how long will you wait for a client to attend before moving on with your day?
Setting expectations before a meeting is for your benefit and your client’s benefit; it will save time and make sure that your appointments are productive!
Set Your Confirmation Message in 17hats Online Scheduling
Immediately after a client has made a booking with you is another wonderful opportunity for additional communication. Using a Confirmation Message with 17hats Online Scheduling lets you display must-know information and recommend the next steps immediately after making a booking. No waiting for an email to come through, no need to pick up the phone to provide information – 17hats will do it for you automatically while your client is still engaged in the booking process. The Confirmation Message will also be included on the calendar invitation that 17hats sends to your client post-booking, so your client can revisit the information as needed before your meeting.
Three things you may want to include in your Online Scheduling Confirmation Message:
- A “thank you” message. It is always lovely to thank someone who is booking a service with you or spending time to meet with you. Gratitude to your clients is easy to display and shows how much you care as a business owner.
- Next steps your clients should look for. Will you be sending an email before your meeting? Do your clients need to accept a Quote before their service is officially booked? Again, this is a great place to let your clients know what to expect.
- A call-to-action. Just because the booking has been made doesn’t mean the dialogue should end. For example, would you like clients to review your packages before your consultation call? Should they check out your styling guide prior to a photoshoot? 17hats allows you to include links in your Confirmation Message to keep the conversation going.
You’ve heard the “Rule of Seven” before, but just in case you haven’t, it says that people need to hear things an average of seven times before retaining information. So don’t be shy about communicating with your clients. They want your guidance. You are the expert, after all! 17hats Online Scheduling Messaging allows you to consistently communicate with your clients without expending extra time or effort!