Updates to 17hats during COVID-19.

Since our inception, and with every enhancement to 17hats, we have sought to control the chaos of business and make life easier for you, our members. And even during these unprecedented circumstances prompted by the COVID-19 outbreak, we want to adapt the platform to meet your needs. 

With that in mind, check out these updates: 

  • Need to reschedule services? Many appointments and services are in flux these days, and some project dates will need to be changed. Now, Workflow base dates which are the same as the original project date will automatically update when you change to a new project date.
  • Document that is no longer valid? Changes or cancellations can mean that many Contracts and Invoices are no longer valid. Great news: We have added “void” as a new document status. Once a document is voided, your contacts can still access it from their Client Portal, but no action can be taken.  Learn how here.
  • No longer taking payment in person? Yep, we can help with that too. Now when a Contact books through Online Scheduling you can take payment at the time of booking. You can arrange for a partial amount based on a percentage, a specific dollar amount, or the full amount. Learn how to set it up here.
  • Meeting more online? We are making virtual meetings easier with our soon to be newest integration, Zoom. When released, with each Online Scheduling booking, a new Zoom link will be created and delivered to your contact with the booking confirmation email. Just set it and forget it – 17hats takes care of the work.

Have other questions about how 17hats can help during the pandemic? Check out our COVID-19 help article – you very well may find the answer you’re looking for there.