If you’re a photographer, this should focus your attention: Shutterfest, one of the industry’s top conferences, takes place April 14 & 15, 2020 – just a few weeks away! Are you registered already? If not go – run! Register here.
17hats has a deep history with Shutterfest, and we go back years with Sal Cincotta, who started Shutterfest six years ago. Countless professional photographers count on 17hats to organize and level up their business. So it’s no surprise that so many Shutterfesters rely on 17hats, and make a beeline for our booth to say hi.
We look forward to seeing you there. Swing by for some 17hats swag!
Oh, and check your Shutterfest program: Don’t miss our 17hats Lunch & Learn as well as a members-only Private Lounge in the Midway Suite. We’ll be answering some of the common questions that small business owners have, as they look to level up.
See you there!
Are you a 17hats expert and want to help out at the booth?
We would love for you to join. Complete the Lead Capture Form (Yes, that’s a 17hats LCF) below and an application will be sent to you.