As the current year winds down, the new year brings exciting plans and opportunities. As small business owners, our minds are filled with ideas to make the next year even better than the one before. The idea of a new year renews the entrepreneurial spirit. 

Winston Churchill once said …

Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential.

Winston churchill

Most plans usually never work out the way we hoped. But even with that knowledge, the process of planning is of utmost importance. It gives us clarity and confidence for the path forward. With the new year quickly approaching, it is important to add time for reflection as a part of your planning process. By reflecting on the past year before planning for the new year, you open yourself up to a deeper understanding of your business and a higher success rate in the new year. 

Because we believe that the combination of reflection and planning is important to success, we created a guide to help you through the process.

Our free download is a page workbook that will walk you through marketing efforts, revenue streams, current clients, average sales, and a variety of other thought-provoking questions. We hope that with our guide, you will make 2022 the best year yet.

Your 17hats
Year-In-Review Workbook

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