Relaxed woman managing her business

17hats was created to help all solopreneurs with the business side of business.

I have seen fabulous, well-thought-out organizational systems of file folders, paper contracts, whiteboards, and multiple apps. I even had one myself … color-coded and all. And, while this type of business management system can be very helpful to some just getting started, it becomes a source of frustration and a blocker for growth.

A multi-app or paper-based management system is completely dependent on you. You are organizing and answering emails on your day off, when you are sick, on your child’s birthday … there can hardly ever be a day off.

You will always be stuck spending multiple hours in your day/week on the business side of your business instead of focusing on your craft. And, as a small business owner, that sets you up for a life of …

Too much to do and not enough time.
If I only had time I would …
I can’t right now, I need to …
I want more clients, but I don’t have time.

By not having an integrated, streamlined, and automated system, your business will never grow to its full potential because you will be too busy doing busy work.

How 17hats Conquers the Business Side of Business

17hats was designed to allow you to get your business organized quickly. By bringing your contact details, project details, invoicing, contracts, quotes, questionnaires, notes, to-do, calendars, payments, and emails all under one roof, you no longer are switching between (and constantly updating) multiple apps or Google Sheets. First huge win!

Features like email templates and templates for quotes, contracts, invoices, and questionnaires start to save you time from having to type and retype. Second win!

And, email writing becomes a breeze with our new AI feature that will write emails for you. Third win.

Features like if/then logic in questionnaires, our 3-in-1 Document (Quote, Contract, and Invoice all together), payment plans, and automatic past-due invoice reminders create a professional look overnight. Fourth win! And, think of all the time you save and the money you will make with payment plans and automatic past-due invoice email reminders!

Maximizing Your Efficiency with 17hats

Leveling up by adding more advanced functionality like replacing your website contact form with a Lead Capture Form, Calendly with 17hats Online Scheduling, and Quickbooks with 17hats Bookkeeping, you are able to start truly managing your business in one place. That’s a lot of wins right there! And, you save money by canceling those subscriptions!

Again, keeping everything under one roof, knowing everything is in sync, keeps things much more organized, easier to use, and saves so much time. Taking it up a notch with the advanced automation of Workflows, you can create a process to follow that keeps you on track and automates steps like sending emails and documents. This is the ultimate time and sanity saver. HUGE WIN!

When you have Workflows working for you, you have time to spend on marketing, networking, and enjoying life. All things that just aren’t possible when held back by a pen and paper or multi-app management system.

Ready to get started? Read this blog to see which plan is right for your business.

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