Side Hustle or Business?

You’ve been dreaming about starting your own business, and you’re about to jump in!

You have a product or service that you want to share with the world, and, better still, you have identified several people who are interested in buying it. You’ve saved up some money to get your venture off the ground. And your instincts tell you that the time is right to take the plunge. 

At this point, you would think that it’s off to the races … most people dive right in to start their businesses, right? Not really. Many would-be business owners hesitate, because they’re uncertain that they have a viable business. So they decide to make their business a “side hustle.” 

That is perfectly fine. You have to start somewhere. But the unfortunate reality is, if you opt for this path, you many never leave that place. You get stuck – and your business remains a side hustle forever. 

Self-limiting thinking 

What traps you in side hustle mode?

You get stuck believing that you just aren’t there yet. You get stuck thinking that you don’t have a product or service that the masses will want. You hesitate to invest in the proper business tools because you just think it’s overkill. You’ve heard about client portals, invoicing software, scheduling apps, workflow software, email templates, and more, but you think that’s for the “real” business folks who know what they are doing. 

OK. Let’s stop right here. 

“Real” businesses start somewhere. They start with one client and a promise to offer something of value to that one client. The secret to scaling up and becoming profitable isn’t just hoping for that second client, or randomly throwing money at marketing. The secret is to create a remarkable client experience from the very start! 

Own your success

Let’s start here. Say this out loud: “I AM A BUSINESS OWNER.” Say it again – a few more times. Good. Now, let’s move on to step two. 

By building a solid framework, you will begin to gain confidence as a business owner.  Confidence breeds results, and results foster even more confidence. (See the pattern here?) Here’s the thing: That solid framework for your business requires a strong foundation. And that strong foundation is a remarkable client experience. 

Is your client experience rave-worthy? Ask yourself the following questions: 

  • How do you respond to leads that come in through your website?
  • How do you schedule client appointments?
  • Have you set up a repeatable process in which each client gets the same experience? 
  • Have you created workflows that automate much of the client experience so that you can spend your time growing the business in other areas? 
  • Have you set up a system so that you can easily and efficiently send quotes, invoices, and contracts to your client? 

Systemize success 

Confidence as a business owner never comes from thin air. It comes from small successes. It comes from your first client who had an amazing experience. It comes from that first great review online. It comes from that first referral. To continue building on that confidence and success, we need SYSTEMS!

Let’s get you going on the right path! To BE a “business owner,” you want to begin by crafting that remarkable client experience we talked about. That starts on your website.

Getting your site buttoned up goes a long way toward feeling official. Your site is your first salesperson, and it forms your first impression. With an engaging website, a potential client will move from interest to inquiry – but it doesn’t end there. Leads want a timely response! 

Research shows that businesses are seven times more likely to have a more meaningful conversation with a client if they are the first one to respond. That’s HUGE! Not only that, but 50% of opportunities went to those who responded within the hour. 

But how? How do we do that when we have such busy lives? The kids are screaming, dinner is burning on the stove, and you’re just trying to keep the house from going up in flames! An inquiry comes in at 6:30 p.m., and you tell yourself that you’ll get to it that night or the next morning. Does it happen? We know it rarely does. This leads to nagging feelings of not being “ready” to become a business owner.

What if there were a way to oversee your busy life and still serve your clients’ needs? There is! 

Let’s start with your lead capture form and lead response workflow

A short and easy lead capture form (embedded into your website) keeps you sane – and keeps your clients engaged and happy. These simple forms – with no more than five questions – will encourage your clients to reach out after browsing your site. You can set it up so that a completed lead capture form triggers a notification within 17hats, by email, or even by text message. But it doesn’t stop there! 

To complete this part of the experience, you have to respond. That’s the secret sauce.  Once you have created your lead capture form, you move on to set up your first lead response workflow. Once a lead comes in, 17hats can automatically respond with a personalized email template that uses the lead’s name in the greeting. 

This is powerful! This leads to conversions, which leads to happy clients, and leads to referrals. You are now a “real” business owner! 

You would think that all business owners use this process, but the fact is, many do not. Start off with proper lead management from the outset, and set yourself apart from the crowd. 

At 17hats, we understand that “feeling” like a business owner is sometimes half the battle. From scheduling to workflows to everything in between, we want to help you gain confidence, new clients, and ultimately, of course, success. 

We have created powerful tools to help you deliver that remarkable experience, time and time again. You won’t just “feel” like a real business – you will BE a real business. 

It starts with that first client, and a laser focus on client experience. That’s part and parcel of building your business the right way.

Remember – you are not alone. We are by your side, with the platform (and the education) you need. 
Ready to level up your small business with 17hats? Start your Free Trial today.