17hats Online Scheduling is a powerful tool that can make holding meetings easier for you and your clients. By including specific information in three key sections of an Online Scheduling service, you will gain control over your client meetings and use meeting time to be productive and efficient.
What’s in a name? Quite a lot! Online Scheduling in 17hats lets you set meeting parameters as soon as the booking process begins. You want to be descriptive but also specific. For example, don’t say “phone meeting,” instead write, “30-minute phone meeting to discuss Project status.” Then, your calls will stop running over because you’ve set timing and content expectations.
Use Service Descriptions to tell your clients what to expect. Service Descriptions are a great place to include the information you want your clients to know, but be sure not to have too much information (people don’t want to read a novel just to book a meeting with you).
Do you need your client to provide information before a call? Include that detail! Do you need your lead to be at a computer for your Discovery call – tell them! Stop wasting the first 10 minutes of your meeting time by setting expectations before your meeting even begins. Online Scheduling in 17hats lets you instruct your client before the meeting is even on your calendar!
You’ve heard it before… location, location, location. Have you ever had a client head to the wrong coffee shop for your meeting? Or misplace a Zoom link? Or not answer your scheduled call because your client didn’t recognize your phone number? Online Scheduling locations in 17hats let you include all the essential details about where you will meet! For example, for an in-person meeting, include parking instructions. For phone meetings, ask that your clients be in a quiet location. For a Zoom, request that your client check their microphone and video before you begin and sign on 5-minutes early. You’re the rockstar helping to make life easy for your clients. And you can learn even more about 17hats Online Scheduling locations here.
Be the boss of your business with these Online Scheduling basics! Service names, descriptions, and locations help you set expectations and gain control of your client meetings. No more running long, no more unprepared clients, and no more confusion over your meeting locations.