If you’re a small business owner, you may work alone most days. And working by yourself in your home studio is different from working with a team in a corporate office.
For one thing, you miss out on the fun that can accompany a group work setting. (Yes, there is some, even if many offices feel quite different, post-pandemic.)
Whether it’s a team singing “Happy Birthday” as someone carries in a cake with candles, or a colleague bringing their golden retriever to work, coworkers can be a morale boost.
But what if you work solo?
Working alone can be lonely.
It can sneak up on you: If you’re a small business owner working from home, you can spend an entire day alone, easy.
True, your day may see multiple phone calls or video chats, but our virtual-is-faster-and-easier way of working these days comes at a cost. We may be losing the intangibles of in-person contact. We’re certainly missing out on the small talk and inside jokes that used to accompany face-to-face interactions. (In other words, fun.)
The fact is, if you work alone, you may have to create your own fun, or seek out memorable moments with clients and companions.
Fun at work remains important.
But, wait – does fun at work really matter?
According to the Harvard Business Review, having fun at work has a positive impact on engagement, creativity, and purpose. Other research has shown fun to enhance productivity.
This makes intuitive sense: Work shouldn’t be drudgery, and fun brightens your workday. That’s true even if – especially if! – you’re all by your lonesome for large parts of the day.
So don’t miss out on the benefits of fun.
Ways to add fun to the mix.
Here are 10 ways to lighten the mood during the day, even if you are working by yourself:
1. Work playlist.
Music can be a great mood-lifter. Create playlists for different activities. Check out this Spotify playlist that our Ambassadors helped us create. It includes some of their favorite tunes to feel pumped up and motivated.
2. Something to celebrate.
Ring a bell or a gong when you close new business. Celebrate it.
3. Dance it out.
This one goes out to all the Grey’s Anatomy fans out there: Don’t let stress weigh you down. Instead, dance like no one is watching.
4. Weekly treat.
At the end of a long week, treat yourself to a special coffee or pastry at that nearby coffeeshop. Working by yourself can be challenging. Celebrate your accomplishments, even small ones.
5. The best medicine.
Find ways – and reasons – to laugh. Catch a few minutes of your favorite sitcom over lunch. Don’t take things too seriously – there’s almost always a reason to smile.
6. Cats, dogs, or fish.
Pets provide companionship, warm fuzzies, and fun. If you don’t have a pet at home, hit up the park and watch dogs fetch tennis balls. Their good nature can be infectious!
7. Get outside.
Being out in nature is a mood-lifter, and there’s lots of fun to be had in the great outdoors. Even a brisk walk can be invigorating. Pro tip: Have a friend or neighbor join you, and foster a connection.
8. Creative outlet.
Set aside a little time to create each day. Draw, or just doodle. Adult coloring books are popular for a reason: Many people find their Zen state while shading in intricate designs.
9. Make a game of it.
True, you may have work to do, but you can have fun while doing it. See if you can gamify tasks. For boring stuff that needs to get done, try to race the clock or find a favorite song to spur you on.
10. Train your brain.
Many people brighten their day with a daily Wordle puzzle, or Words With Friends. Find your own favorite app or diversion to break up those long afternoons.
There are lots of ways to add fun to your workday. Identify what sparks joy for you. It’s a great way to fuel productivity and avoid burnout.